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pack fullset arcade games!

pack fullset arcade games!

Regular price €29,90 EUR
Regular price Sale price €29,90 EUR
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  • Content spécial arcade Games!
  • DIGITAL DOWNLOAD Downloaded,played! Simple and fast!
  • SAVE With the Kingretro system you can Save Game Progress at any time!

complete pack of arcade Games that contains only the full set roms of each arcade system (really everything from A to Z) // with ultimate playability! And performance, with ultimate graphics (not the graphics you find when a fun tries to play an arcade game on an HD screen with an image that is too pixelated with black bands on each side of the screen, and with drops of fds), No here I am talking about graphics like at the time on the famous arcade terminals the games are already configured, plug in the controller and play! (plug and play), plus you have all the emulators already installed on the frontend, of course you have the choice if you wanted to add retro games to the same modern games on the frontend it's much simpler ...!, and it's not over!! there are still plenty of surprises Install" on this latest one

You will be able to replay the great classics and enjoy plenty of games from the best consoles that have ever existed, reliving the great moments of your childhood, directly from your computer or laptop.
Enjoy complete catalogs, with emulators integrated into a single graphically incredible system!

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